Cookie Policy

How cookies and other similar technologies are used on our websites.

Cookies are small text files sent to your computer when you visit our websites. We use cookies for the aforementioned purposes and in accordance with this Privacy policy.

We do not use cookies to follow individual visitors or to identify them. But rather to obtain useful information on how to use our websites so that we can continue to improve them for our users. Personal data generated by cookies are collected through pseudonymization and you have the right to object to the processing of such data, as indicated below.

We use cookies on this website in order to:

  • direct you to the relevant sections of the website;
  • ensure that the website has a consistent appearance in different browsers and devices;
  • allow the operation of complex areas of the website; and
  • keep track of anonymous and aggregated statistical data regarding visits to the website in order to improve performance.

For this purpose, we may install cookies that collect data such as the user’s domain name, the internet service provider, the operating system and the data and time of access.

The following explains the general types of cookie we use and their purpose.

Types of cookies and purposes

  • technical cookies: they are used for navigation and to facilitate access and use of the site by the user; they are necessary for the transmission of communications on the electronic network or the supplier to provide the service requested by the customer. The use of technical cookies allows the safe and efficient use of the site;
  • session cookies: cookies that expire at the end of the browser session (they start when the user opens the browser window and end when the user exits the browser);
  • persistent cookies: cookies that “persist” in the device after the end of the browser session and therefore allow you to store your preferences or user actions for your next visit to the website;
  • third-party cookies: tracking cookies used to identify online behavior, understand interests and customize advertising proposals for users.

Third-party analytical cookies can be installed, sent from third-party domains external to the site and which will be used to detect information on user behavior on the Seven cArtù Lda. website. The survey is carried out anonymously in order to monitor the performance and improve the usability of the site.

Most web browsers allow you to control most cookies using your browser settings. The user can set the browser to get a notification every time he receives a cookie; this will allow him to decide whether to accept it or not. However, if you do not accept a cookie, you may not be able to use all the functionality of your browser software.

On this website, we may use Internet tags (also known as web-beacons, action tags, single-pixel GIFs, transparent GIFSs, invisible GIFs and 1-by-1 GIFs) and cookies, and we may do so through a partner of web analytics services located and storing the respective information (including your IP address) in a foreign country. These tags/cookies are located on different pages of this Website. We use this technology to measure user responses to our sites (including how many times a page is opened and what information is being consulted), as well as to evaluate the use of this Website.

Our third-party partners, hosting service providers and/or web analytics service partners may collect data about your use of this Website by virtue of such anonymized internet tags/cookies and may report to us about the activity of this Website and provide further services related to the use of the Website and the Internet. They may provide such information to other parties where this is required by law or if they use other parties to process the data on their behalf.

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”) and Google ReCaptcha v.3. Both of these services use so-called “cookies” (text files stored on your computer), which allow them to analyze the use made of the Website. The information produced by the cookie regarding your use of this Website is generally transmitted to a Google server in the United States and stored there. In case of activation of the IP anonymization procedure on this Website, your IP address will in any case be shortened first by google into an EU Member State or any other State that has signed the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases the full IP address will be transmitted to a Google server in the United States and shortened there. If transferred by the operator of this Website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the Website, in order to compile reports on website activity for the operators of the same and to provide additional services associated with the use of the Website and of the Internet. The IP address transmitted in the Google Analytics model by your browser will not be associated with other data from Google. You can block the installation of cookie by properly setting the browser software; however, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to fully use all the features of this Website. Google ReCaptcha uses cookies to identify and block SPAM from this website.